Country Ridge HOA Meeting
Minutes from June 18, 2018 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat Zellers, Dale Zea,
Attendees: John Torosino (Treasurer), Holly Wozniak (Secretary) Kathleen
Stinebaugh, Beth Aamson, Renee Rock, and Donna Knaub
1) Paul asked for the motion to call the meeting to order @7:00 pm. Dale made motion.
Seconded by Rob.
2) Roll Call- John Torosino (Treasurer) absent
3) Holly read last meeting minutes. Paul approved minutes
4) Treasurer Report:
Petty Cash-$20.62 *John will follow up with advertisement
HOA Delinquent Fees-
Letters Sent Out:
205- Lien placed/talk of putting another lien on
106-3 months
137- Bankruptcy in Progress
143-2 months
155-1 month
163-3 months
164- 7 months (Bankruptcy approved/should receive payments) *Have John keep track
5) Old and Open Issues
A. Open board vacancy- The vacant spot has been filled by Donna Knaub. *Paul wanted it
noted that he spoke with the attorney about the HOA dissolving if no one would to fill
the current board’s positions. No court will dissolve the HOA. The current board can
choose to get a Management company to take the HOA boards place.
B. Sidewalk repair- The HOA board is looking into getting the other trouble areas fixed.
Rob and John will review the budget to get the rest of the repairs done.
C. Paving of the Access Roads-Rob will email JW+Sons to get quotes for areas that need
D. Walk-Throughs- The walk through took place in May, Dale will be given a list to recheck
that infractions are fixed beginning of July. House 111 came to the meeting to address
chairs in front yard. Paul will contact Sharon about the missing form. The board will
discuss and find a compromise to the situation.
E. Trees out back houses 160-184 and 200-218-Paul emailed the attorney. The attorney
stated that the tree are the home owner’s responsibility. The attorney suggested the
HOA board pay for the tree trimming service this one time. Paul will write a letter to
send to the homeowners stating that the trees are the homeowner’s responsibility and
that the HOA board will pay for the service this one time. The HOA board voted to pay
for the tree trimming service. Paul made the motion to vote. HOA Board Voted: 4:1. The
HOA will be $1800 for tree trimming services. Pat will return all checks to homeowners.
F. Yard Sale-Pat submitted a receipt for $10 for 2 permits for the yard sale. Tom will be
reimbursed for getting the permits. Holly submitted a receipt for yard sale signs and
6) New Business-
A. Architectural Committee-
111 will resubmit a form.
179 was approved to put privacy fencing up by garage.
101 was approved to redo back deck.
B. Emails received-
Email from attorney
Emails for yard sale permits
C. Phone calls-
202-Painting of shutters. House owner found painters to paint her shutters. The HOA
Board will call at the end of the month to check.
137-2 calls from Bank
119-Call from an appraiser
D. Facebook-
164 and 202 for yard sale permits
Tree Messages
202 about shutters
6) Topics, Questions and Concerns
Newsletter will be given out at the end of June. Holly and Donna will work on a Home
Improvement resource page.
7) Set Meeting- Next meeting is July 16, 2018. Meeting will be held at House 141 at
8) Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end at 8:28pm. Motioned by Donna
and seconded by Dale.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Holly Wozniak
Welcome to the Country Ridge HOA Website
Friday, July 6, 2018
Monday, May 21, 2018
Meeting Minutes - April 17, 2018
Country Ridge HOA Meeting
Minutes from April 17, 2018 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat Zellers and Dale Zea
Attendees: John Torosino (Treasurer), Holly Wozniak (Secretary) and Tom Sadler
- Paul asked for the motion to call the meeting to order @ 7:02 pm. Dale made motion. Seconded by Rob.
- Roll Call- All present
- Holly read the last meeting minutes. Paul approved meeting minutes.
- Treasurer Report:
Expense- $716.07
Income- $30,157.18
Savings- $62,410.59
Petty Cash- $20.62
Market Income-$35
HOA Delinquent Fees-
108-Sold 155- Letter to be sent
106- 2mths 163-Letter to be sent
120-Letter to be sent 177- Being taken care of
137- Letter to be sent 205- Judgement (Lien)
143- Letter to be sent 211- Sheriff Sale
- Old and Open Issues
- Open board position still open. Will spread the word and continue to post the vacant position on Facebook. Open position was placed in the spring newsletter.
- The board will walk the neighborhood to evaluate areas in major need of fixing. Check the cost of sidewalk and paving. This will be a May discussion.
- The board will call Paving Company in May to come out to look at different areas in the community.
- Rules and Regulations will be looked at to see what is to be kept in and taken out. The board will be on the side to review together.
- The board voted 4-0, Craig will trim trees. The quote given is $250-300 max
- Walk-Throughs will take place May 20th at 5pm.
- June Yard Sale- The Country Ridge Yard Sale will take place June 8 and 9th. Tom Sadler will pick up permits and place an AD in the papers. Holly will make up the flyers.
6.) New Business
A. None
6) Communication and Social Media -
- Architectural Committee-
189- Windows/Patio door. Committee needs to approve
- Phone Calls/Emails/Social Media received-
Phone calls-
No phone calls received *Pat delivered Welcome Packet to 168
No emails received
Social Media-
Posting of the open board position
7) Topics, Questions and Concerns
-Discussed solar panels. Any home owners wanting to place solar panels will have to fill out an architectural form.
- Set Meeting- Next meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 7:00pm. Location is at House 141.
- Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end 7:51pm. Dale motioned. Seconded by Rob.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Holly Wozniak
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Meeting Minutes - March 27, 2018
Country Ridge HOA Meeting
Minutes from March 27, 2018 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat Zellers and Dale Zea
Attendees: Holly Wozniak (Secretary) and Tom Sadler
1) Paul asked for the motion to call the meeting to order @ 7:04 pm. Pat made motion.
Seconded by Rob.
2) Roll Call- John Torosino Absent
3) No meeting minutes read
4) Treasurer Report:
Expense- $522.43
Income- $28,985.05
Savings- $62,390.08
Petty Cash- $20.62
Market Income-$35
HOA Delinquent Fees-
Not provided at the HOA meeting. Treasurer out of town on business.
5) Old and Open Issues
A. Sidewalk and Road Paving Maintenance - Board will address other areas in the spring of
2018. John will look at the budget to get an idea what areas we can fix up. Start getting
paving quotes.
B. Review of By-laws and Rules and Regulations. Next meeting we will update rules and
C. Lawn Care - Craig signed a contract. John will keep track of invoices. Still waiting to get
quotes from Craig for tree trimming.
6.) New Business
A. Sharon Landis resigned from the HOA board. Open HOA board position. Post vacancy
on Facebook and on the spring newsletter.
B. Newsletter- Spring newsletter will go out Easter weekend.
C.Paving and Sidewalk-Start calling paving company for quotes. Even side needs to be
looked at.
6) Communication and Social Media -
A. Architectural Committee-
No architectural forms submitted
B. Phone Calls/Emails/Social Media received-
Phone calls-
Resident at 115 expressed concern that he is receiving HOA mail and the HOA is receiving
his mail. Solution is that the HOA will check the mail once per week.
Resident at 166 asked if the house could be rented or if the by-laws can be changed. Owner
was told no to both questions and was advised to attend board meeting with any further
questions or concerns.
Email received from Chronos Solutions, regarding the property at 137. They asked the basic
questions about the functions of the HOA and Paul responded accordingly.
Potential buyer for House 108 asked if she could purchase house and have her kid live
there. It was explained that she could not unless the occupant is on the deed to the
Social Media-
Car break-ins, Craig not plowing enough and trash pickup.
7) Topics, Questions and Concerns
-Looking over Rules and Regulations next meeting
-Look over delinquent list
-Walk-Throughs will take place mid-May
7) Set Meeting- Next meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 7:00pm. Location is at House
8) Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end 7:50pm. Dale motioned. Seconded
by Pat.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Holly Wozniak
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Meeting Minutes from December 19, 2017
Country Ridge HOA
Minutes from December
19, 2017 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat
Zellers and Dale Zea
John Torosino (Treasurer) and Holly Wozniak (Secretary)
- Paul asked for the motion to call the meeting to order @ 7:00 pm. Rob made motion. Seconded by Dale.
- Roll Call- Sharon Landis Absent
- Holly read last meeting minutes. Paul approved minutes. Fix 211 status on Delinquent Fee
- Treasurer Report:Expense- $777.76Income- $23, 303.48Savings- $62,328.59Petty Cash- $20.62Market Income-$35HOA Delinquent Fees-106- 2 months 179-Letter sent in Nov (Payment arrangement)155- 5 months (paying) 180-4 months163- 4 months 183- 2months164- collect from bankruptcy 205- Lien filed166- 3 months (contacted John) 211- passed away177- 2 months (emailing)
- Old and Open Issues
- Sidewalk repair is completed. Board will address other areas in the spring of 2018.
- Infractions. Board will revisit and review the 5 infraction letters in March.
- Review of By Laws and Regulations- the HOA Board will come back to review in 2018.
- HOA Increase Letters- Holly typed up letters and mailed them to residents. Letters were mailed in November along with 2018 HOA fee coupons.
- Lawn and Snow Care- Next meeting in 2018, Paul will ask Craig to attend to sign a contract.
- Tree Care- Pat will get a quote from York Tree Services.
6) New Business-
- Architectural Committee-House 125 needs to fill out form for new front door.
- Phone Calls/Social Media/Emails received-Only email received was for a HOA paymentNo phone calls receivedNothing on Social Media
7) Topics, Questions and Concerns
-Newsletter will be sent out 1st
week in January.
-No HOA Meetings in
January and February.
- Set Meeting- Next meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 7:00pm. Location is at House 141.
- Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end 7:25pm. Dale/Rob motioned. Seconded by Pat.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by Holly Wozniak
Meeting Minutes from October 18, 2017
Country Ridge HOA
Minutes from October
18, 2017 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat
Zellers and Dale Zea
Attendees: Holly Wozniak (Secretary) and Tom Sadler
- Paul asked for the motion to call the meeting to order @7:00pm. Dale made motion. Seconded by Rob.
- Roll Call- John Torosino and Sharon Landis were absent
- No meeting minutes
- Treasurer Report:Expense-$1340.61Income-$24,642.84 (add $4,000)Savings-$62,286.27Petty Cash-$20.62 Marketing Income-$35.00HOA Delinquent Fees-108- Paid from Bank 177-3 months (emailed late amount)179- 15 moths (letter sent for lien to be filed) 180- 2months109-3 months 205-judgement filed Court on Sept 21155-4 ½ months 211-passed away163-3 months164- 15 ½ months sent to collectfrom their bankruptcy166- 1 month * Letters going out to 109, 155, 163
- Old and Open Issues
- Sidewalk. Paul emailed Grays Concrete. They are 2 weeks behind due to weather. They will get the work in. They will send Paul an email with anticipated date to start the work.
- Walk through Infraction Letters- 202 contacted about shutter painting. 111 stated they want the bylaws changed. House 111 needs to bring this up to the board to propose. They gave an architecture form to mulch around the tree. The Architecture committee needs to review form. Further information is needed. House 111 was invited to come to the board meeting to address infraction letter and proposal.
- Review By laws and Rules and Regulations-The HOA board will come back at another time to review.
- HOA Fee Increase-As of January 1, 2018 the HOA dues are $52.50. Holly will get HOA increase letters printed and mailed to home owners by Nov 20th
- Annual Meeting-Meeting went well. Meeting minutes are updated on the blog spot. Topic Trees: Pat is looking into getting a group rate from Craig to cut down trees. In Section 160-184 (include section 200)
F. Lawn/Snow-
HOA Board accepted Craig’s proposal. Inviting Craig to the next meeting for him to bring a contract for the HOA board to
6) New Business-
- Architectural Committee-House 111 mulch around tree. Need more information.
- Emails received-No emails receivedFacebook message-House 202 about shuttersPhone calls-202 and 211
7) Topics, Questions and Concerns
Board voted on the
2017-2018 HOA board positions. Vote was 5-0
President- Paul
Vice President-Rob
Board Members- Pat, Dale and Sharon
Secretary- Holly
- Set Meeting- Next meeting Tuesday November 14, 2017 at House 141 7:00pm
- Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end at 7:57pm Dale motioned. Seconded by Pat.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by Holly Wozniak
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Meeting Minutes from 2017 Annual Meeting
Please use the below link to access the meeting minutes from the 2017 annual HOA meeting. The link includes the meeting minutes, proposed budget, and attendance sheet for this year's meeting.
Link to Meeting Minutes
Link to Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Meeting Minutes from August 15, 2017
Country Ridge HOA
Minutes from August 15th,
2017 at 7:00pm
Board Members Present: Paul Bachtel, Rob Wozniak, Pat
Zellers, Dale Zea, Sharon Landis
John Torosino (Treasurer), Holly Wozniak (Secretary), Mark Landis, Craig
Daugherty, Bill Rosengrant and Tom Sadler
Paul asked for the motion to call the
meeting to order @7:01pm. Rob made
motion. Seconded by Pat.
Roll Call-All Present
Holly read last meeting minutes. Paul
approved minutes. Update LED Lights in July meeting minutes.
Treasurer Report:
Expense- $1628.53
Income- $25,749.34 (Marketing: $35.00)
Savings- $62,243.97
Petty Cash- $20.62
HOA Delinquent Fees-
108-Forclosed, bank will pay 6mths 155- 4 months
(Letter sent)
163- 2 months 164-
15 ½ months (Filed Bankruptcy)
169- 2 months 179- 10 months
205- 33 months (lien filed) 211- 10 months (deceased)
205-John wrote Pat a check to have the
filed papers served.
155- John sent letter.
164-Filed Bankruptcy. Work through the
attorney to go through the process to submit.
211-Homeowner is deceased. He was the
original home owner and the house is paid off. HOA board is researching the
next step.
Old and Open Issues
Paul contacted Gray’s Concrete to set up a time to get some of the
concrete work done. Gray’s Concrete is booked till October. In October, the HOA
Board is looking to start the concrete work. Paul will email for a date.
Second Walk-Throughs will take place. Holly made a list of 2016 and 2017
infractions to compare which homeowners have the same infractions for 2 years.
Paul gave the date Sunday, August 20th.
The HOA attorney emailed back with answers to increasing the fees. At the
annual meeting, the HOA board will be talking about the increase of fees. Prior
to the meeting, John, Rob and Bill will make a budget for the HOA by making
itemized list for expenses.
Actual response from attorney:
First, the bylaws state that 1/10th of the votes of
each class of membership shall constitute a quorum unless a quorum is
defined elsewhere in the Declaration or Bylaws Quorum is defined elsewhere:
Section 4.05 of the Declaration defines quorum differently than the bylaws.
4.05 speaks to quorums specific to votes held under the Annual and New Owner
Assessment Sections 4.03 and 4.04, which is what is applicable here. As such, a
quorum for a vote to increase assessments above 5% must be 51% of those
eligible to vote.
The exact language in the Second Amendment to the Declaration
Section 4.03 states, “the maximum annual assessment may be increased above 5%
by a vote of 2/3 of each class of members who are voting in person or by
proxy, at a meeting duly called for this purpose.” This is not the
clearest of statements, however, the underlined part means a quorum, i.e. the
vote must achieve 2/3s of 51% of membership to be successful.
Further, if the HOA advertises a meeting for increasing
assessments above 5% and less than a quorum of 51% of the members appears, a
new meeting may be called subject to all notice requirements. If at the new
meeting, 25.5% of the voting membership appears and are voting, there is a
In the Declaration, it states that there are 2 classes (A and
B). A members are all unit owners besides the original Declarant. Each unit
owner is a member, but there can only be one vote per unit. Fortunately, Class
B members no longer exist because they converted to Class A on April 9, 2006
according to the Declaration, so we only have to worry about one Class.
The way these provisions work together is somewhat confusing, so
please feel free to call me for further clarification on this if you need it.
As a side note, a majority of Directors is a quorum for
Director-only votes. I’m not familiar with how many Directors you have, but
essentially this means more than half. So, for example, if its 10 Directors,
you need 6 Directors to have a quorum.
Regarding your second question, $600.00 was the maximum for that
period of time after the sale of the first unit until January 1 of the following year.
The 5% increases can go above $600. Keep in mind that increases in assessments
must be tied to the permissible uses for assessment funds as I outlined in my
previous email.
Paul stated for the record on the meeting minutes, that this is not about
getting rid of Craig. It’s about placing Craig on a budget to help the HOA
budget take care of other areas within the community. Paul and Bill got a
couple of quotes from other lawn care services. Craig came to the HOA board meeting to explain
his services in the community.
Craig are $1, 125
a cut/bag/side edge/surface cleaned/spraying/other services
Jared Enfields-
$450 per cut/no bag/side edge/surface
Zelgers- $625
per cut/no bag/side edge/surface cleaned
(Both do not offer spraying and other services)
Paul asked Craig for his recommendations and to give quotes for his
services to draft a contract with Craig.
In the annual meeting we will discuss with home owners about the lawn
care. Craig will attend the Annual meeting.
6) New Business-
Architectural Committee-
139-Remove 2 front bushes and 1 back bush
Emails received-
Email from HOA Attorney answering questions.
Gray’s Concrete emailed.
125-Called Paul with questions about lawn care and various questions.
Topics, Questions and Concerns
No new Topics, Questions
and Concerns
Set Meeting- Next meeting September 12th
at 7:00pm. Location: House 141
Motion to adjourned-Paul motioned meeting to end at
8:37pm. Motion made by Sharon. Seconded by Pat.
Minutes respectfully
submitted by Holly Wozniak
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